• Bring in a quart sized ziploc (about 2-3 lbs of soil) filled with your soil to be tested. On average, it takes two to three weeks to get the results.

    Let us know what you are planning on planting or what is established for better results.

  • We have a citrus leafminer trap. It’s a pheromone sticky trap which is very effective. We also have a product called Bioadvanced Fruit, Citrus and Vegetable Insect Control that is highly effective.

  • Bermuda and Zoysia are your best drought resistant grass types. Drought Buster is also an excellent option, and one of the cheapest.

  • It’s easy! After pulling or spraying for crabgrass, apply Dimension Pre-emergent in February and September to kill the seeds. We have both 15lb. bags and 50lb. bags in stock.

  • Many homeowners like to overseed their lawns with ryegrass for a green winter lawn. Mid-September is the best time to do this.

  • October and April are the best months, because there are warm days and cool nights. These months are also the best for planting fruit trees.

    “Sunset” magazine online cautions against laying sod lawns in very cold weather, which is rare in many parts of Southern California, so it might not be a consideration where you live. It also cautions against laying sod during the hottest part of the summer, as a new sod lawn needs lots of water and risks sunburn.

Got Questions? Email us at ocfs@OCFarmSupply.com